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FOUR OF SWORDS was founded in 2012, born of two friends’ determination to create immersive, dynamic, sense-shattering theatre shows… But not theatre shows that actually take place in theatres…

Philip Kingslan John and Sarah White aspired to use theatrical story-telling techniques in unusual and evocative places, to integrate actors’ performances with film projection and live music, to put audience members in the thick of the action and create intimate productions with popular appeal and educational value.

After several months of careful planning, in 2013 FOUR OF SWORDS exploded onto the South West theatre scene with two stonking shows. We’ve come a long way in the last five years, and succeeded in developing a formula which seems to resonate with people and keep them coming back for more.

We have also established ourselves as innovators in the field of theatre in education, having built a diverse portfolio of collaborations with partners such as Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Devon Libraries, English Heritage, Exeter Phoenix Arts & Media Centre and Plymouth, Cambridge and Exeter Universities. We have also been working closely with a Chinese Summer School, and plans are afoot to take our SUMMER FILM SCHOOL brand out to Shanghai.

Here’s a video of some lovely audience members saying nice things about us! And underneath you can watch a film which gives a good overview of what we get up to on SUMMER FILM SCHOOL.


OUR COMPLETE HISTORY OF SHOWS [click the title for more info on each]:

Jekyll and Hyde title script on black


Macbeth title letters_again

FAUSTUS title small

title banner small

Jason & The Argonauts title

FRANKENSTEIN title small
